SKU : GU 030
1. Description : The Gamosa ([gamusa]) is an article of significance for the indigenous people of Assam, India. It is generally a white rectangular piece of cloth with primarily a red border on three sides and red woven motifs on the fourth (in addition to red, other colors are also used). Although cotton yarn is the most common material for making/weaving gamosas, there are special occasion ones made from Pat silk, Tassar Silk & Muga Silk. Literally translated, it means 'something to wipe the body with' (Ga=body, musa=to wipe) however, interpreting the word gamosa as the body-wiping towel is misleading.
2. Type : Gamusa (Towel) Set of 3 Pieces
3. Fabric : Cotton Blend
4. Designs : This White Colour Pure Cotton with Red Resham (Suta) Flower motifs, hand woven Gamusa from the North Eastern Paradise of India “Assam.”
5. Colour : White
6. Measurement :
Length : 1.40 meters
Breadth : 27 inches
Disclaimer : Slight Variations in the colour may be possible.
Trade name: M/s Silkalay
Constitution of Business: Proprietorship
Proprietor: Prem Jain (Silkalay Guwahati)
Address of principal place of business: Nar Khubchand, J C Das ROad, Panbazar, Guwahati, Kamrup Matropolitan, Assam, 781001